Thursday, April 26, 2007

He Started It

Don’t tell me to stop making negative remarks about our rhetorically-challenged incumbent senator. He started it.

After all this talk I hear from the Scott Sayre campaign about keeping this race positive and based upon facts and real solutions for our valley, Hanger goes off like a Dick Cheney shotgun.

What prompted it?

Hanger again accuses Scott Sayre’s supporters of being anti-tax, anti-government “extremists”; and he bashes the Republican grassroots which got him elected; and he insinuates that the Sayre campaign will be utilizing outside funds; and he throws potshots, like “I don’t need a consultant to tell ME how to think; and… Well, you know the rest.

And then, when the Sayre campaign says anything about Hanger’s record (the FACTs) they get accused of “negative campaigning”.

Hanger’s tax increases were the largest ever and were during a time of surplus --- “Oh, but that’s negative campaigning.”

Most of Hanger’s own money is from outside the 24th District --- “Oh, but that’s negative campaigning.”

Hanger supports raising the gas tax, giving illegals loopholes to get in-state tuition, and giving certain convicted felons back their voting rights --- “Oh, but that’s negative campaigning.”

As Charlie Brown would say, “Good grief!”

All I have to say is: He started it.

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